
If You Should Meet…

by Anonymous

If You Should Meet... by Anonymous

If you should meet a crocodile,
Don’t take a stick and poke him;
Ignore the welcome in his smile,
Be careful not to stroke him.
For as he sleeps upon the Nile,
He thinner gets and thinner;
And whene’re you meet a crocodile
He’s ready for his dinner.

  — Anonymous

From Oh Such Foolishness!. J. B. Lippincott Company.

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From Oh Such Foolishness!

Here is a new compendium of foolish verse from the nonsense archives of William Cole. Many poets, both the well known and the Anon., have taken pen in hand to describe the hippopotamus, the sausage, purple eyeglasses, sneezes, spaghetti, and other important subjects.

These laughable lines are complemented by Tomie de Paola’s droll ink-and-pencil drawings, which are every bit as comical as the delectably ridiculous poems.

Caution: If you are on a laugh-free diet, do not read this book!

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About the Author

“Anonymous” means that the author’s name is unknown. While sometimes an author may choose to publish something without revealing his or her name, in most cases the name of the author has simply be lost over time.

Anonymous poems include traditional rhymes, such as nursery rhymes and old songs, as well as newer verses that were published without credit to the true author.

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