
It’s True

by Jackie Hosking

It's True by Jackie Hosking

I think that walking on your tongue
Would make it hard to eat
But did you know the butterfly
Has tastebuds on its feet?

And did you know the elephant
With trunk and massive rump
In fact’s the only animal
That cannot ever jump?

The crocodile with gnashing teeth
And gnarled and snarling snout
Never sticks its tongue out
Cause it cannot stick it out

And snails can sleep for years and years
A problem hard to fix
They fall asleep at three years old
And wake up when their six

The ostrich is a flightless bird
That runs along the plain
And did you know its eyeball
Is bigger than its brain?

And did you know the cockroach
Can live without its head?
It takes nine days for it to starve
Before it drops down dead.

And did you know the slimy slug
That slithers on the floor
Is known to be quite nosey
Not with one nose, but with four?

A flea can spring a distance
Many times its size
Like you could jump a football field
And win the long-jump prize.

But here’s a thing you’ll never do
Your mouth is not that wide
A hippo’s on the other hand
Can fit you right inside

But the weirdest of the animals
The ones not in the zoo
Live inside the mirror
Take a look – it’s true.

  — Jackie Hosking

From The School Magazine: Blast Off. NSW Department of Education. Reprinted by permission of the author.

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From The School Magazine: Blast Off

Blast Off excites and delights inquisitive and independent readers, consolidating their knowledge of English.

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About the Author

Jackie is a children’s picture book author and poet. Born in Nigeria to Cornish parents, she moved to Australia when she was ten. Her first picture book, The Croc and the Platypus, is published by Walker Books and her next four books are to be published by Walker, Scholastic and Larrikin House. Jackie’s poetry has appeared all over the world in magazines and anthologies and when she’s not writing in rhyme and metre herself, she loves to help other budding writers of rhyme.

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