
My Brother Threw up on My Stuffed Toy Bunny

by Barry Louis Polisar

My brother threw up on my stuffed toy bunny.
You better not laugh ’cause it really isn’t funny.
It was lying in my bed while I was sound asleep
But it could have been worse—it could have been me.

My bunny’s name was Bill and he was pink and white.
His eyes were purple and they glowed at night.
His ears were ragged and his nose was red.
He was soft as my pillow from his paws to his head.

My Dad tried to help when i started to scream.
He threw my bunny in the washing machine.
But my bunny, Bill, still smelled so bad;
I lost the best friend that I ever had.

So bunny now sits on my shelf at home,
Next to my smelly toy telephone
And the dirty old bear with the stains and the spots.
‘Cause my little brother throws up a lot.

My brother threw up on my stuffed toy bunny.
You better not laugh ’cause it really isn’t funny.
It was lying in my bed while I was sound asleep
But it could have been worse—it could have been me.

  — Barry Louis Polisar

Copyright © 2001. All Rights Reserved. From A Little Less Noise. Rainbow Morning Music. Illustration by David Clark. Reprinted by permission of the author.

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From A Little Less Noise

This witty, silly, humorous collection of some of Barry Louis Polisar’s best-loved song lyrics, accompanied by imaginative full-color drawings, brings to life the often comical reality of childhood. Filled with pesky siblings, terrifying teachers, and tormented babysitters who won’t return, not to mention various monsters, a boy who has lost his pants, and a young child with a dog named “Cat,” the illustrated poetry will delight youngsters of all ages as well as their parents.

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About the Author

A five-time Parents’ Choice Award winner, Barry Louis Polisar has recorded and shared his songs, poems, stories, and books with audiences throughout the world.

Barry performs his songs on two different Grammy Award- winning albums and sings his song All I Want is You in the opening credits of the film JUNO. He has written songs for Sesame Street and The Weekly Reader and starred in a television show for children that won two Emmy awards.

Barry has performed at The White House, The Smithsonian, and The Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. He gives concerts and author visits in schools, theatres, and museums from Washington DC to Fairbanks, Alaska.

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