
Silly Pigs

by Jackie Hosking

Silly Pigs by Jackie Hosking

The little pigs were silly folk
who nearly ended up in smoke
Their house of bricks with fire roaring,
straight and sturdy, was rather boring

The wolf, if he’d had any sense
would have blocked the chimney vents
And then the pigs, all three, god love ‘em
would have cooked in a pizza oven

If I were them, I’d think it best,
to build, with straw, a kind of nest
I might, if pushed, use fallen sticks,
but never would I build with bricks

With straw, you’d build a house with ease
and perch it high amongst the trees
A house of straw would be sublime
because of course, a wolf can’t climb

  — Jackie Hosking

Reprinted by permission of the author.

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About the Author

Jackie is a children’s picture book author and poet. Born in Nigeria to Cornish parents, she moved to Australia when she was ten. Her first picture book, The Croc and the Platypus, is published by Walker Books and her next four books are to be published by Walker, Scholastic and Larrikin House. Jackie’s poetry has appeared all over the world in magazines and anthologies and when she’s not writing in rhyme and metre herself, she loves to help other budding writers of rhyme.

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