Stu the Soccer Ball’s Lament
I’m Stu, the school’s last soccer ball.
The others got away.
They rolled right off the soccer field
at 2 o’clock today.
They grew so sick of being kicked,
they wanted to be free.
I tried my best to follow them,
I hollered, “Wait for me!”
The wind was blowing fiercely
and it took me for a ride.
I came quite close to catching up
when, suddenly, it died.
I slowly rolled then came to rest,
just like a sitting duck,
on Highway One and then
got run right over by a truck!
The soccer coach was angry
when she scraped me off the street.
Oh, how I wish I were a Nerf,
just like my cousin Pete.
She tossed me in the trash can
(I don’t like it here at all).
I sit here sulking sadly
with the school’s last volleyball.
— Donna Murphy
Copyright © 2020 Donna Murphy. Reprinted by permission of the author.