

by Joe Mohr

I reside in Superhero Town

Where everyone is super,
And everybody flies,
And everybody shows up
If anybody cries.

And everyone can see through things,
And all have super strength.
To humbly save a desperate day
We’d go to any length.

Everyone can lift a car
Or stop a speeding train.
When everyone can do a thing
That thing seems rather plain.

We’d love to thwart a scheme
Or help a person cross the street.
To get a cat out of a tree
Would really be a treat.

But the cats are also super,
And the dogs and pigs and fish.
To meet a needy normal
Is everybody’s wish.

So we’ve all gained a bit of weight
And lost a step or two.
When everyone’s the same as you
There’s not a lot to do.

  — Joe Mohr

Copyright © 2013. All Rights Reserved. From Robot + Bike = Kitten: 34 of JoeM's Poems. Treehouse Publishing Group. Illustration by Joe Mohr. Reprinted by permission of the author.

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From Robot + Bike = Kitten: 34 of JoeM's Poems

Kids of all ages love Joe Mohr’s hilarious poetry! His whimsical illustrations and silly poems are full of imaginative word play and surprise endings. Parents appreciate the way Joe sneaks important messages into this colorful and quirky collection of poems. As singer/songwriter, Brett Dennen shares, from a generation of parents who grew up on Seuss and Silverstein, here comes another timeless children’s book with modern relevance. Mohr inspires our kids to be imaginative, caring, and self-respecting good people. He does this with poignant poetry and unique illustrations sure to spark conversations with your child on many themes. This book will surely be the first of many for Mohr and his own brand of humorous and insightful storytelling. ROBOT+BIKE=KITTEN includes 34 of JoeM’s poems about sister-eating gorillas, boy-eating sharks, owl-eating monsters, vowel-stealing children, nose-picking poets and much, much, more!

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About the Author

Joe has been a cartoonist since 2007 for a variety of publications including, Yes! Magazine, Greenpeace, Cartoon Movement, Center for Media and Democracy, Defending Dissent, PBS’s Urban Conversion, and many more.

Joe’s first children’s book, ROBOT+BIKE=KITTEN came out in May, 2013. The book spawned the Children’s Music band Robot+Bike. Check out their first, self-titled EP on iTunes and Spotify. Joe has also been published in One Minute Till Bedtime (Little, Brown), Soda Politics (Oxford, Press), Pacha’s Pajamas, Best Editorial Cartoons of the Year 2013 and 2014 editions (Pelican Publishing), and in a variety of high school and college textbooks in countries all over the world.

Most importantly Joe is a happy hubby, daddy, bicycle lover, painter, hobby beekeeper, traveler, woodworker, and lounger.

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