
The Ghost of Halloween Past

by Brian Rock

The Ghost of Halloween Past by Brian Rock

What’s that wrapping at the window?
Is the wind just getting breezy?
Candy wrappers line my floor,
And my tummy’s feeling queasy.

My candy bag was nearly full
When I finished trick or treatin’.
But now it stands alone and bare
From the pieces that I’ve eaten.

The ghosts and ghouls and Frankensteins
Couldn’t scare me with their rumblings.
But now I fear a sound I hear;
Could it be my stomach grumbling?

Halloween may soon be over
With the breaking of the dawn.
But when you gobble treats too fast,
You’ll find its spirit lingers on!

  — Brian Rock

Reprinted by permission of the author.

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About the Author

Brian Rock is a children’s author and former teacher. He has enjoyed writing stories since he was old enough to hold a no. 2 pencil. Although he was once put out of class for writing too many stories, he went on to receive a master’s degree in Creative Writing and Children’s Literature from Hollins University. Along the way, Brian has performed as a stand-up comic, worked as a “McCountant,” and written award-winning country songs. He lives in Virginia with his wife, his daughter, and his many imaginary friends.

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