
The Grobbles

by Jack Prelutsky

The Grobbles by Jack Prelutsky

The grobbles are gruesome
the grobbles are green
the grobbles are nasty
the grobbles are mean
the grobbles hide deep
in a hollowy tree
just waiting to gobble
whomever they see

I walk through the woods
for I’m quite unaware
that the grobbles are waiting
to gobble me there
they suddenly spring
from their hollowy tree
oh goodness! the grobbles
are gobbling m. . . .

  — Jack Prelutsky

Copyright © 1977. All Rights Reserved. From The Snopp on the Sidewalk: And Other Poems. Greenwillow Books. Reprinted by permission of the author.

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From The Snopp on the Sidewalk: And Other Poems

In this collection of poems, Jack Prelutsky and Byron Barton have given rise to a new breed of creatures that seem certain to make their way into the world of illustrious imaginary beings that include the Jabberwock, the Quangle Wangle, and the Wild Things. Here is the Wrimple, who is responsible for all those things around the house that don’t work properly; the Wozzit, who gobbles down anything that appears in its home—the family closet; and of course the Snopp, who just lies sadly on the sidewalk getting sympathy from passing strangers.

These mischievous characters will provide hours of knowing chuckles for the younger set.

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About the Author

Jack Prelutsky has filled more than fifty books of verse with his inventive wordplay, including the national bestsellers The Wizard, Scranimals, and The New Kid on the Block. He is also the author of Be Glad Your Nose is on your Face, a collection of his most celebrated verses. He was named the nation’s first Children’s Poet Laureate by the Poetry Foundation. Jack Prelutsky lives in Washington State.

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