
The Horsemen Are Headless this Evening

by Kenn Nesbitt

The Horsemen Are Headless this Evening by Kenn Nesbitt

The horsemen are headless this evening.
The werewolves are howling and hairy.
The mummies are rising from out of their crypts.
The vampires are equally scary.

The trolls are pugnacious and plodding.
The goblins are grinning and green.
The ogres are rabid and running amok.
The ghosts can just barely be seen.

The banshees are wailing and moaning.
The zombies are dragging their feet,
and gremlins engaging in mischievous fun
are dancing around in the street.

With such evil creatures abounding,
I don’t know what I’m gonna do,
’cause Mom made my Halloween costume this year
and dressed me as Winnie-the-Pooh.

  — Kenn Nesbitt

Copyright © 2001. All Rights Reserved. From The Aliens Have Landed at Our School!. Running Press. Reprinted by permission of the author.

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From The Aliens Have Landed at Our School!

This book is packed with far-out, funny, clever poems guaranteed to give readers a galactic case of the giggles.

Children will love the slightly screwy world of Kenn Nesbitt, with mashed potatoes on the ceiling, kangaruplets, skunks falling in love, antigravity machines, and a jillion other imaginative subjects.

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About the Author

Former Children’s Poet Laureate (2013-15) Kenn Nesbitt is the author of many books for kids, including Kiss, Kiss Good Night, My Hippo Has the Hiccups, My Cat Knows Karate, and many others. His poems have appeared in numerous bestselling anthologies, including every book in the popular Kids Pick the Funniest Poems series, and anthologies with nearly two million copies in print. His work has been published in hundreds of school textbooks around the world, as well as national television programs, and numerous children’s magazines. Kenn travels the world, visiting more than 60 schools each year, sharing his wacky brand of poetry with kids everywhere, and helping to create a new generation of poetry lovers. His website,, is the most visited children’s poetry website on the Internet.

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