
The Locker Mess Monster

by Neal Levin

The Locker Mess Monster by Neal Levin

The Locker Mess Monster lives down in the deep,
beneath all my junk that’s been stashed in a heap:

beneath all my jackets that slipped off their hooks,
beneath all my homework and unopened books,
beneath my disgusting and uneaten lunch,
beneath my old cartons of fruit juice and punch,
beneath my old baseball and tattered up mitt,
beneath broken props from my drama club skit,
beneath my school photos and mud-covered boots,
beneath my disgusting and smelly gym suits.

If anyone asked me, I’d have to confess
the Locker Mess Monster created this mess.

  — Neal Levin

Reprinted by permission of the author.

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About the Author

Neal Levin has written poems for a wide variety of children’s magazines including Highlights, Ladybug, Spider, Fun For Kidz, Humpty Dumpty, Mad Kids, and Pockets. His work has also been published in over a dozen poetry anthologies including Caroline Kennedy’s Poems To Learn By Heart (Disney/Hyperion) and Kenn Nesbitt’s One Minute Till Bedtime (Little, Brown).

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