The Oven Strikes Back
I bought some pots and pans one day
while on a shopping spree.
I haven’t ever cooked before,
but how hard can it be?
Beat some eggs and
chop some veggies…
marinate the meat.
Salt it,
flip it,
fry it,
whip it.
Lather, rinse, repeat.
I could hardly wait.
I popped it in the oven
with the timer set for 8!
Trembling with excitement
over tasting my creation…
I’ll be a culinary hit,
an overnight sensation!
I opened up the oven door,
and quickly looked around.
my dish was GONE and in its place,
a note is what I found:
I know you had high hopes for this.
I know you put your love in.
but I can’t let you serve that dish.
It’s awful.
The Oven
— Tiffany Strelitz Haber
Copyright © 2020 Tiffany Stelitz Haber. Reprinted by permission of the author.