
The Princess of the Monkey Bars

by Robert Pottle

The Princess of the Monkey Bars by Robert Pottle

I’m the Princess of the Monkey Bars.
I’m always upside down.
I smile while I am hanging;
don’t mistake it for a frown.

My ponytails are dangling.
My crown’s clipped to my head.
I’ve been hanging for so long,
my face is turning red.

I choose who climbs the monkey bars.
I’m strict but always fair.
But still some kids make fun of me
while others simply stare.

I’m embarrassed to admit it,
but I really must confess
that the Princess of the Monkey Bars
should not have worn a dress.

  — Robert Pottle

Copyright © 2009. All Rights Reserved. From What I Did on My Summer Vacation: Kids' Favorite Funny Summer Vacation Poems. Running Press. Reprinted by permission of the author.

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From What I Did on My Summer Vacation: Kids' Favorite Funny Summer Vacation Poems

What I Did on My Summer Vacation is the first funny poetry book about summer vacation! It will entertain kids all summer, whether they’re away at camp, traveling cross country in a hybrid or staying home with a bookshelf full of good summer reading. It contains over 40 sidesplitting poems about summer vacation that cover everything from the much-anticipated last day of school to family road trips, wacky days at summer camp, learning how to swim, dizzying roller coaster rides at amusement parks, fun-filled days at the beach, and finally, the dreaded first day of school. These hilarious poems are sure to make you count the days until summer vacation begins!

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About the Author

Robert Pottle is an awarding winning poet who has been widely anthologized. He has performed his humorous poetry at schools across the United States and as far away as Guam. He also provides professional development for educators at national level conferences. In addition to publishing his humorous and sometimes irreverent poetry, Robert has also published articles, which take themselves way too seriously, in academic journals for educators.

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