
The Rhinoceros

by Oliver Herford

SO this is the Rhi-no-ce-ros!
I won-der why he looks so cross.
Per-haps he is an-noyed a bit
Be-cause his cloth-ing does not fit.
(They say he got it read-y made!)
It is not that, I am a-fraid.
He looks so cross be-cause I drew
Him with one horn in-stead of two.
Well, since he cares so much for style,
Let’s give him two and see him smile.

  — Oliver Herford

From A Child's Primer of Natural History. Charles Scribner's Sons. Illustration by Oliver Herford.

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From A Child's Primer of Natural History

Published in 1899, Oliver Herford’s A Child’s Primer of Natural History is a collection of 24 humorous poems and illustrations about animals of all sorts, including the seal, giraffe, yak, elephant, sloth, and many more.

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About the Author

Oliver Herford was an English writer, artist, and illustrator who lived from 1860 to 1935. Over 30 books illustrated by Herford, and frequently written by him as well, were published from the 1890s to the 1930s.

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